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  • Writer's pictureKathy Rumsey

Finding my tribe

I spent the day on Saturday attending an event with some people from a group I belong to called Be Open ( Yes, I formally belong to it as a member, but what I really mean is that I. Belong.

For the past few years I've been working on myself and my "stuff" - figuring out what lessons I need to learn in this life and then starting to actually work on them (which you'd think is the same thing, but I found to be two very different exercises), I felt less and less like I belonged. I think that tends to happen to everyone as we get older and have children, then our children get older. When I was younger I had work friends, then I had children and their friends parents became the people I spent time with. But when the kids got to the age where they were older, I noticed that those people I was hanging out with weren't friendships that stuck. I didn't belong with them. And then I felt like I didn't belong with anyone (outside of my husband and kids anyway).

But through the process of finding out who I am really am, and what I am really passionate about, I found myself. And in finding myself, I put myself out there to other people who are passionate about the same things I am passionate about. And I started finding my tribe. Many of these people I've met in other countries, and we don't live close to each other, but luckily we don't need to -- there's video chat and text and a good old phone call. It's nice to connect with other people who "get" me, as I do them.

Saturdays event was just another example of a group of people who I wouldn't have otherwise met. We've interacted in a virtual group, and seen each other on video webinars for a few months now, and Saturday was our first opportunity to meet each other in person. And it was great. Does it mean I am going to be best friends with every person that was there? Nope. But I'm fairly confident that I've found at least a couple more people to add to my growing tribe of friends.

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